Histopathology & Tissue Shared Resource
Contact Information
Brent Harris, MD, PhD, Co-Director (DC)
Telephone: (202) 687-5345
Fax: (202) 687-7378
Building D, Room 207
Anju Duttargi, MDS, MS, Co-Director (DC)
Telephone: (202) 687-0641
Lab: (202) 687-1924
Preclinical Science Building, Room LR-10C
David (Kar Fai) Chow, MD, Co-Director (NJ)
Telephone: (551)-996-4808
Hackensack University Medical Center
Ya’el Kramer, MS, Director of Biorepository Operations (NJ)
Telephone: (551)-996-1317
Hackensack University Medical Center

The mission of the Histopathology & Tissue Shared Resource (HTSR) is to provide a resource for accessing human tissue for translational research to the NCI-designated Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) Research Consortium. Within this Consortium, the HTSR provides comprehensive high quality laboratory and interpretive pathology services to researchers at both the LCCC in Washington, DC, and the John Theurer Cancer Center in New Jersey, which includes research at the Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation. In collaboration with other core facilities, the HTSR consents for, collects and distributes fresh- and formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue and provides technical and pathological support for investigator-driven collection protocols. The HTSR also coordinates with the company Indivumed for the collection of high-quality biospecimens including matching fresh frozen and formalin fixed tissues, serum, plasma, and comprehensive clinical data. HTSR Director Brent Harris, MD, PhD, provides comprehensive pathology services with a specialty in neuropathology. The Histopathology laboratory provides comprehensive histology services including tissue processing, microtomy, staining, necropsy, laser capture micro-dissection and tissue microarray construction. The Immunohistochemistry department provides single biomarker staining, multiplex biomarker staining and high throughput imaging and analysis. In addition, the HTSR provides expert technical support, consultation services and educational support and training for users. We process and analyze both human and animal tissue specimens.
Georgetown University – 3900 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007
- Preclinical Science Building, Room LR-10C
- Shipping address: HTSR LR-10C PreClinical Sciences Bldg., Georgetown University Medical Center