Shared Resources and Partnerships

Shared Resources

Director of GU-Lombardi Shared Resources Stephen Byers, PhD, explains that sharing research resources allow Georgetown scientists to access a pool of state of the art equipment, technical expertise and knowledge, which benefits all. GU-Lombardi Shared Resources are supported by funding from the National Cancer Institute and by shared instrumentation awards from the NIH and other sponsors, and provide cost-effective use of state-of-the-art technologies and methods. New services are continually being developed and brought online to accommodate rapidly changing demands and new technology.

Multiple shared resources provide services in a variety of computational, molecular, cellular, informatic, animal model and other preclinical areas. Other shared resources focus on clinical and behavioral research and include all aspects of therapeutic and non-therapeutic clinical trial activities, such as patient consent and recruitment, questionnaire and survey services, and data monitoring. All investigators at Georgetown University have access to these shared resources. A number of specialized GUMC shared resources also serve other academic centers within and outside the U.S., as well as small and midsized biotechnology companies, often as partnerships with Georgetown faculty.

All of this takes place without the research laboratory investing in these resources itself. Each shared resource is handled like a small business and is coordinated by a dedicated team scientist who is experienced in that research area. Each “business” provides a specialized service for a reasonable user fee.

CCSG-Supported Shared Resources

GUMC-Supported Shared Resources

Additional Resources


Georgetown University has established several partnerships that allow GUMC investigators access to additional resources available at other institutions.

The Mid-Atlantic Shared Resources Consortium | Click here for brochure
The Consortium seeks to enhance the availability of the specialized technical services, equipment and expertise of consortium member institutions to support basic and clinical cancer research. Consortium members include the following National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers; the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, the University of Virginia Cancer Center and the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. Each has made significant investments in shared resources to support basic and clinical research, and the close proximity of the members of the partnership makes access to the other institutions shared resources feasible. In the spirit of the National Cancer Institute’s “roadmap” and in an effort to further enhance the availability of these shared resources without a further investment or cost, the Consortium seeks to share, in an economical manner, these specialized technical services and access to equipment and expertise.

Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS)
GHUCCTS is a multi-institutional consortium of medical research institutions forged from a desire to promote clinical research and translational science. The members of the GHUCCTS consortium are: Georgetown University (GU), Howard University (HU), MedStar Health Research Institute (Mi-IRI), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the Washington Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). Through multiple partnerships and collaborations among the member institutions, GHUCCTS is transforming clinical research and translational science in order to bring new scientific advances to health care.

John Theurer Cancer Center, Hackensack Meridian Health (JTCC)
JTCC is a full consortium partner with Georgetown-Lombardi and its Shared Resources. Unique immune-phenotyping, population science and bioinformatic platforms (COTA) are shared with Georgetown Lombardi members

The National Laboratories
GUMC has formal partnerships with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Oakridge National Laboratories and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR). FNLCR houses both the National Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility, which offers high-resolution imaging to support cancer research, and the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, a resource for all researchers developing nanotechnology-based therapies or diagnostics for cancer. Learn more about partnership opportunities and research resources at FNLCR. These relationships allow Georgetown investigators access to some of the most powerful High Performance Computing capacity in the world as well as multiple other emerging technologies. Exchange of scientists and students facilitates research as well as educational goals.

George Washington University Shared Resources

Georgetown University (GU) has a formal partnership with the George Washington University (GW) for reciprocal access to institutional Shared Resource (SR) laboratories. GU and GW have each made significant investments in SRs to support basic and clinical research, and the close proximity of the institutions makes access to the other’s SRs feasible. Under this agreement, each institution will charge and bill fees-for-service at the SR’s stated internal fees for the other institution’s usage. Investigators at GU will have access to multiple SRs at GW, including the GW Nanofabrication and Imaging Center and GW Biorepository. To access the SRs at GW please contact Anastas Popratiloff, MD, PhD (


Remember to acknowledge the valuable services provided by Shared Resources in your research papers and publications: “This research was supported by the [insert name] Shared Resource of the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (P30-CA051008).”


Director: Stephen Byers, PhD
New Research Building E415 | (202) 687-1813 I

Administrative Director: David Goerlitz, MS
New Research Building E501 | (202) 687-0832 |

SR Financial Director: Kevin Lamont Diggs, MSA
(202) 687-6860 |

SOPs for accessing Shared Resources