Upcoming Events

Art For A Cause 2025


We are excited to announce The Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program (AHP) at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s second Call for Art, “Art for a Cause” for World Collage Day, May 10, 2025!

The Arts and Humanities Program at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital (AHP) invites you to send 4×4-inch collage art for its second Call for Art: “Art for a Cause”. This is a call specifically for collage art in conjunction with World Collage Day (May 10) 2025.

Works submitted by the deadline of April 20 will be included in an online “gallery” that will open on World Collage Day and will later be featured in a book that will be made available for purchase.

Each original collage will be attached to a blank greeting card and made available to patients, caregivers, their families, and hospital staff. Works will not be sold nor returned to the artists. 

FORMAT: 4×4 inch (10 x 10cm) square format.

QUANTITY: each artist may submit a maximum of 4 collages

DEADLINE: April 20, 2025

Where to mail your collage contributions:
Art for a Cause
1519 35th St NW
Washington, DC 20007

Indicate on the back of your artwork:
your name
your country or US state
an arrow indicating which direction is UP
an email or IG address if you would like the recipient to have your contact information
Please make sure that each artwork is on heavy paper and that all collage pieces are securely glued.


Featured Event

Luminous” Sara Bardin. Painting of a yellow flower with blue and green background.

Healing Through Hues: Nature’s Color Palette Art Exhibition Opening Reception

Wednesday, February 12th from 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Adult Clinic

3800 Reservoir Road, Washington, DC, 20007
Presented by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program

Location: Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Join us on Wednesday, February 12th from 6 pm- 8 pm to celebrate the opening of our new art exhibition, “Healing Through Hues: Nature’s Color Palette” by visual artist Sara Bardin!

Enjoy light refreshments and music as you view Sara’s beautiful works on display in the clinic and enjoy hearing more about her process, and connections with arts and health, during her Artist Talkback at 6:30 pm.

The installation will features a series of large-scale artworks inspired by natural landscapes, flora, and fauna. Each piece focuses on a specific color palette found in nature, inviting viewers to experience and engage with the vibrancy of the natural world.

RSVP on for the Opening Reception on Eventbrite. Reach out to lombardiartsadmin@georgetown.edu with any questions and for more information.

Virtual Artist Talkback via Zoom

The Artist Talkback will take place during the Opening Reception. Attendees also have the option to stream the talkback online via Zoom.

Visual Artist Sara Bardin sits with AHP Program Manager, Noni Ford to discuss her experiences as a Black female artist, her artistic process, and her new art installation, “Nature’s Color Palette: Healing Through Hues” at the Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program.

RSVP for the Virtual Artist Talkback on Eventbrite.

Visit Sara Bardin’s website to learn more about her and her artworks.

Previous Events

Nature’s Embrace Art Exhibition and Opening Reception

Featured Event

“River’s Song” Martha Spak. Painting of green and blue river landscape.

Nature’s Embrace: Healing Through Harmony Art Exhibition Opening Reception

Friday, September 27th from 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Adult Clinic

3800 Reservoir Road, Washington, DC, 20007
Presented by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program

Location: Lombardi Atrium

Join us for the Opening Reception of “Nature’s Embrace: Healing Through Harmony,” an exhibition of paintings by artist Martha Spak that reflects the belief in the healing power of the arts. Martha Spak is a self taught artist that who has been creating art for over twenty-five years. She has been awarded public art projects and grants. A selection of her 2D work is displayed in corporate and private collections around the country.

Visit Martha’s website. RSVP using the RSVP form by Friday, September 20th. Reach out to lombardiartsadmin@georgetown.edu with any questions and for more information.

The 9th Annual Virtual Poetry Cafe

Featured Event

The 9th Annual Virtual Poetry Cafe

Thursday, April 25th from 2:00 pm- 3:00 pm
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Adult Clinic
Presented by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program and the Department of Mission and Pastoral Care

Register on Eventbrite

9th Annual Virtual Poetry Cafe Eventbrite Page

Location: Zoom

The Poetry Café celebrates the healing that comes through the written word as it is spoken or sung. The Poetry Café is full of inspiration, courage, reflection, enthusiasm, and vulnerability.

Above all, this event represents another wonderful collaborative event between the Arts and Humanities Program and Mission & Pastoral Care, which continues to create meaning in the experiences for patients and staff members. In conclusion, the Poetry Café is a very special event for the MedStar Georgetown University patients, caregivers, staff members, and community members – we invite you to join us!

Recollections Art Exhibition and Opening Reception

Featured Event

Painting of two men conversing while sitting on lounge chairs poolside
From the “Pool Guys” Series, Sharon Wolpoff, 27″ x 31″, Oil on Canvas, 2023. Photo by John Woo.

“RECOLLECTIONS”: an Exhibition by Artist Sharon Wolpoff

On display February 5 through September 6, 2024
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Adult Clinic
Presented by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts & Humanities Program

Opening Reception

Wednesday, February 28
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Gallery talk: 6:30 p.m.

Location: Martin Marietta Conference Room in the Lombardi Cancer Center Atrium

Join us for the opening reception for “RECOLLECTIONS,” an exhibition of paintings by artist Sharon Wolpoff that reflects the belief in the healing power of the arts. Wolpoff’s gallery talk, titled “Affirming the Connection Between Healing and the Arts,” will be a conversation between the artist and Arts & Humanities Program Director Julia Langley. RSVP to Noni Ford at nf332@georgetown.edu to attend and for more information.

Life in the Tar Seeps: Spiraling Ecologies from Bodies of Water

Lecture and Book Signing

Image of author Gretchen E. Henderson in field of red poppy flowers.

Featured Event

Life in the Tar Seeps Lecture and Book Signing

Join former Georgetown University professor Gretchen E. Henderson as we explore the climate crisis, caring for overlooked ecosystems and grappling with our human imprints on earth.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Location: BioEthics Research Library- Healy Hall

Life in the Tar Seeps grew from Great Salt Lake as a watershed for reperceiving overlooked places to approach environmental healing. More than a reading, her talk at Georgetown will blend photography, cinema, and field studies on cultivating arts of attention, not only far afield but wherever we are.

Gretchen Ernster Henderson is a multimedia writer and interdisciplinary educator who bridges environmental arts, cultural histories, integrative sciences, health and public humanities. Her fifth book, Life in the Tar Seeps, has seeped across publications, exhibitions, and field practices into a participatory global project, Dear Body of Water: https://dearbodyofwater.poetsforscience.org/

This event is sponsored by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program, Lannan Center For Poetics and Social Practice, Medical Humanities Initiative, Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship, and the Engaged and Public Humanities Program.