Arts & Humanities Newsletters

Title image. This page contains the Arts & Humanities Program Logo and lists newsletters shared in the past year.

Arts & Humanities Newsletters:

In response to COVID-19, the Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program (AHP) now offers newsletters to help serve our community and bring some brightness to everyone’s day. The resources shared in these newsletters are for all the healthcare professionals we work alongside at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, as well as patients, caregivers, students, and all our community members. Though the pandemic brought physical separation between us, this program has gazed beyond these limitations as we’ve found friends and support around the world. As the AHP team is returning to the hospital, we still aim to help soothe your day with art, music, movement, and beauty.

If you would like to be added to our email list, and be among the first to see our newsletters, please contact Lombardi Arts Admin at 

Thank you so much for your support!