Animal Models Rodent Shared Resource
Performing studies using rodent models
Contact Information
Patricia L. Foley, DVM, DACLAM, Manager (DC) Telephone: (202) 687-0242
3950 Reservoir Rd. NW, Research Resource Facility G05
Idalia Cruz, Manager (DC)
Telephone: (202) 687-0414
Research Building E202-A
Andrew Neslon, DVM (NJ)

The mission of the Animal Models Rodent Shared Resource (AMSR) is to provide technical support and expertise for planning and executing rodent preclinical studies, with a particular expertise in rodent oncology models, to the GUMC research community, and the NCI-designated Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) Research Consortium. Within this Consortium, the AMSR provides comprehensive support to researchers at both the LCCC in Washington, DC, and the John Theurer Cancer Center in New Jersey, which includes research at the Hackensack Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI). The AMSR benefits from the expertise of the Director who has 25 years of experience with animal models, two very skilled full time technicians who provide all of the hands-on study support, and a part-time rodent veterinary surgeon. A pre-study planning meeting is recommended for all new projects, and all services are tailored to each investigator’s needs. An approved IACUC animal protocol describing the studies to be conducted is required prior to initiating a study. The AMSR technicians are typically added as personnel onto the IACUC protocol.
DC campus: Georgetown University – 3970 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20057
- Office location: E202-A Research Building
- All animal work in DC is performed in the University’s centralized animal facility overseen by the Division of Comparative Medicine.
NJ campus: Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI) Research Animal Facility (RAF), Hackensack-Seton Hall Medical School Annex building