Computational Chemistry Shared Resource (CCSR)

Contact Information

Sivanesan Dakshanamurthy, PhD, MBA
Director of CCSR
Telephone: (202) 687-2347
Office: Research Building E401, WP22

Authorship Policy

Guidelines for acknowledgement of the support and intellectual contributions of GUMC-Lombardi Shared Resources in publications are described in the SR Publication Policy. The page describes how to acknowledge the grant-funded support of the Shared Resource and how to determine if the contributions merit co-authorship of any manuscripts resulting from the work.

In all publications that include data derived or methods used from the Computational Chemistry Shared Resource, please acknowledge our resource.

The drug discovery projects normally demand significant drug discovery expertise in conceptual planning, intellectual input, designing, and analysis, so please consider including co-authorship in the manuscripts, and inventorship in patent applications of the project is generally expected. Also if some drug discovery projects may extend to month(s) time, in that case please consider in-part as under collaborative project work terms. If the CCSR is involved in intellectual input, designing, and writing for your grant project, please consider including co-Investigator on the grant application.