Center for Translational Imaging to Capitalize on Georgetown’s History and Expertise in Imaging Science
The new Center for Translational Imaging integrates complementary clinical and preclinical imaging research approaches that solidify Georgetown University’s stature in magnetic resonance imaging.
Category: Lombardi Stories
Experts and D.C. Residents Come Together for Breast Cancer Community Forum
District of Columbia residents from Wards 7 and 8 shared their stories, concerns and fears at Environment & Breast Cancer: Transforming Data Into Action, a community forum organized by Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center to explore the impacts of the environment on breast cancer in communities like these.
Category: Lombardi Stories
Lynce Receives Potter Award for Early Career Research
In recognition of her work to reduce the health disparities associated with race and socioeconomic status, Filipa Lynce, MD, a medical oncologist and associate professor of medicine at Georgetown Lombardi, received the John Potter Award, which honors the achievements of an early career researcher.
Category: Lombardi Stories
As Vaping Increased in Popularity, Use of Cigarettes Declined
A comprehensive analysis published by a team of researchers including scientists from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center indicates that cigarette smoking among youth and young adults dramatically decreased between 2013 and 2017 just as e-cigarette use became more popular with these age groups.
Category: News Release
Lombardi Gala Celebrates Its Founder’s Legacy
The 32nd Annual Lombardi Gala was dedicated to the memory of Margaret Hodges, who helped found the event, and honored DeMaurice “De” Smith of the NFL Players Association and former NFL player Mark Rypien for their philanthropic work on behalf of cancer research, as well as Filipa Lynce, MD, for excellence as an early career scientist at Georgetown Lombardi.
Category: Lombardi Stories
Obese Mice Lose a Third of Their Fat Using a Natural Protein
A Georgetown University-led study investigating a protein for its possible role in cancer has instead found it to be a powerful regulator of metabolism.
Category: News Release
More Clues Revealed in Link Between Normal Breast Changes and Invasive Breast Cancer
A research team led by investigators from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center has published the results of a mouse study that shows how changes in mammary glands to accommodate breastfeeding use a molecular process believed to contribute to the survival of premalignant breast cells.
Category: News Release
Mouse Study Mirrors Human Findings That Link Chemotherapy and APOE4 to Cognitive Issues
New research by Georgetown University Medical Center investigators indicates that a chemotherapy drug commonly used to treat breast cancer alters brain structure and function in mice that express the human APOE4 gene, which is known to significantly increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Category: News Release
First Large Study Details Cognitive Outcomes Among Older Breast Cancer Patients
The first large U.S. study of cognition in older breast cancer patients, led by researchers from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, indicates that within the first two years after diagnosis and treatment, most women do not experience cancer-related cognitive problems.
Category: News Release
Nobel Prize-Winning Science is Key to New Treatments for Cancer
The science that earned two researchers the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2018 — the discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation — is at the heart of an increasing number of standard treatments and many ongoing clinical trials at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Category: News Release