Biacore Molecular Interaction Shared Resource

Educational Support

Dr. Üren teaches a PhD level class on surface plasmon resonance and its applications at Georgetown University Graduate School. Modern Methods in Molecular Biology (BCHB-528) is a four-credit course focusing on novel methodology. Dr. Üren has been teaching lectures on protein-protein interaction analysis since 2006. These lectures mainly focus on using SPR and kinetics analysis. He has been also teaching a one-hour lecture for another graduate course (noncredit), which introduces core facilities in LCCC. Dr. Üren organized three minisymposia on Molecular Interactions by SPR Technology in March 2007, in March 2011 and October 2018 at Georgetown University. These half-day events sponsored by LCCC and Biacore contained 5 or 6 presentations (one by Dr. Üren). They presented data on wide range of applications from BMISR users including protein-protein, protein-small molecule, and protein- DNA interactions.