Research Centers

Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research
The Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research, established in 1989 as a tribute to a former fashion editor of The Washington Post, uses a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to conduct cutting-edge breast cancer research.
The Ruesch Center for the Cure of Gastrointestinal Cancers
The Ruesch Center integrates discoveries in molecular medicine and translational research with a patient-centered philosophy to transform the standard of care for patients with gastrointestinal cancers. It was founded in 2009 through a gift from Jeanette W. Ruesch and her family in memory of her husband, Otto.
The Fisher Center for Hereditary Cancer and Clinical Genomics Research
The Fisher Center for Hereditary Cancer and Clinical Genomics Research, established in 2006, conducts state-of-the-art research on the prevention, treatment and management of familial cancers in order to improve the medical and quality of life outcomes of women and men at risk for cancer.
Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics
The Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics provides data insights to improve human health. It enhances clinical and translational research at Georgetown Lombardi and its partners and attracts and educates the next generation of scientists and physicians, for whom biomedical informatics and health data science will be key.
Georgetown Lombardi Institute for Cancer and Aging Research (GLICA)
GLICA conducts transdisciplinary research to address challenges in our diverse aging society and train a new generation of researchers focused on achieving health equity for cancer patients and their families.
Infrastructure for Research in Equity, Aging, Cancer and Health (I-REACH)
I-REACH brings together the expertise of four cancer center hubs, national leaders and stakeholders to expand the diversity of the scientific workforce at the intersection of aging, disparities and cancer, and supports accelerated discoveries to design, deliver and evaluate interventions to guide clinical care to improve the health of this growing population and reduce health disparities among older minority cancer survivors.
Hackensack Meridian Health Center for Discovery & Innovation
A part of Hackensack Meridian Health, the CDI’s robust research program directly informs and benefits from partnerships with health care and research institutions, including Georgetown Lombardi.