Animal Models Rodent Shared Resource

Fees and Scheduling


Most services are charged based on amount of technician time required, which is billed at the hourly rate of $42.00 per hour (FY25). Recognizing that some services will take less than an hour to provide, but may need to be performed several times over a specific time period, we will use combined weekly time it took to perform the task (for example 30 minutes every day of the 5 day week totals 2.5 hrs) to charge an investigator.

Use of an AMSR isoflurane anesthesia machine (there are 2 available to rent) is billed at $16.80/hour. This covers costs of oxygen, charcoal canisters, isoflurane, and upkeep of the equipment.

Scheduling and Billing

  • Each investigator must obtain prior approval from the IACUC for an animal protocol describing the studies to be conducted and will be asked to include AMSR personnel.
  • New AMSR users should schedule a consult with Dr. Foley at
  • Idea Elan core management software will be used for billing of services. For the Rodent Animal Models Shared Resource, it can also be used for reserving use of an isoflurane machine (either F zone or D zone of the DCM facility).

Operational Workflow

To ensure efficiency and optimal results, resource members interact closely with investigators. In order to utilize the Shared Resource, users will follow this basic operational workflow:

  1. An investigator directs an initial inquiry to Idalia Cruz (; 202-687-0414), unless this is the first time ever using the AMSR, in which case a meeting with the Director is recommended.
  2. An initial meeting is held during which the feasibility of the project and the overall research plan are discussed. The investigator is also notified of the service charges.
  3. Once deemed feasible, all pertinent information including laboratory personnel dedicated for the project and grant/funding account will be provided by the user.
  4. Investigator lab personnel undergo training as needed to assist AMSR personnel.