Lombardi Voices

A publication of writings from patients, caregivers, staff, and community members

Lombardi Voices

Volume 20 – March 2024

Patients, caregivers, staff and students are welcome and encouraged to write for Lombardi Voices, the Arts and Humanities Expressive Writing Program’s annual publication. Lombardi Voices has become an extremely anticipated publication. Those who have submitted get very excited about seeing their name in print and sharing their contributions with the community. Those in the Lombardi waiting area love to read the submissions when waiting for their appointment.

Expression, Empowerment, and Community

To create community

Requires some unity of purpose

And disposing of surplus

Individual traits.

The expression of shared hopes and dreams

Is more significant than it seems.

You have to be a fighter

To make others’ burdens lighter.

And how do we convey morality

When the reality all around us

Is depressing and bleak?

For it’s empowerment we seek

And it will only take a minute

To win it!

Facing a different direction

Takes only one step to pivot

And knock in a divot for change.

And here’s my confession

What’s required is collaboration

not suppression of self!

I may make it possible, but you’ll make it happen!

– Carey Oler, 2020

Support the Continuation of Lombardi Voices

Lombardi Voices is made possible through private and public contributions, if you would like to financially support the continuation of Lombardi Voices, please directly contact Julia Langley, Faculty Director at (202) 444-7228 or julia.langley@georgetown.edu to make a gift.