Meet Our Health Care Team

Attending Hematology/ Oncology Physicians
Physicians of the Division of Hematology and Oncology are dedicated to the medical treatment and care of cancer patients. The physician selected for you specializes in your specific cancer. Many of our physicians are involved in “translation research,” meaning they conduct research studies, making many new treatments available to you. Several of our physicians also teach in our medical school. We believe this combination of research, education and clinical treatment helps ensure that care provided you is on the cutting edge.
Resident/Fellow Physicians
These physicians are licensed medical doctors who are continuing their advanced training under the supervision of our doctors. These outstanding young doctors are selected through a competitive process from top medical centers throughout the country and the world and will be assisting in your care.
Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners assist the attending physicians with patient care and may be readily available as a resource to you.
Clinical Nurse Coordinator
During the consultative and treatment phase of your illness, a clinical nurse coordinator will be involved in your care. The clinical care coordinator is a nurse specializing in the care of persons with cancer. Patient education and symptom management are the clinical nurse coordinator’s primary focus. She/he provides information and support to you and your family, and will assist in coordination of required tests and various therapies. They also assist you in learning to recognize and control the side effects of your treatments.
Research Nurse
A staff of specially trained oncology nurses supports the critical research mission of the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. If your doctor believes that you may be eligible for participation in a research study (also called a clinical trial), a research nurse will further evaluate your eligibility, discuss the details of the trial with you, and support you through the decision making process. Once registered in a clinical trial, the research nurse will coordinate all aspects of your care and support you through the process.
Infusion Nurse
The infusion nurses, specializing in the treatment of cancer patients, provide chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood product administration and therapeutic phlebotomy as ordered by your physician. The nurses, certified in chemotherapy administration, work closely with our oncology pharmacist, doctors, and the nurse practitioner/case manager/research nurse to safely administer your treatment. The infusion nurses will work closely with you to ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the treatment regime.
Other Georgetown Lombardi Health Team Services
See the Patient and Family Resources page for these Health Team Services at Georgetown Lombardi.
- Arts & Humanities Program
- Nutrition Counseling
- Psychosocial Oncology Team
- Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Support Programs
- Pastoral Care
- Smoking Cessation
- Social Work Services
- Support Groups
- Survivorship Clinic