Walking Warriors
Walk to Battle Breast Cancer with Walking Warriors

Join Walking Warriors for the 8th Annual Walk on
Saturday, May 3, 2025
About Us
We are a dedicated group of individuals who raise money to fund research and access to care for breast cancer. The Walk to Battle Breast Cancer brings participants together to complete a 13-mile walk in and around Washington, DC. Walking Warriors are committed to end breast cancer. We fund research to improve treatment, investigate and prevent breast cancer and provide assistance to those living with breast cancer in Maryland, DC and Virginia. We will not stop walking until we can prevent and cure breast cancer. Visit wwbbc.org to learn how you can become a Warrior by walking, donating or volunteering. Our next walk is Saturday, May 3, 2025, at 7:30 a.m.
Walking Warriors Impact
- In 2024, we raised over $68,000, sharing the donations with Georgetown’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and For 3 Sisters, to improve the lives of those with breast cancer in our communities.
- In 2023, we raised over $65,000, giving us the opportunity to support those living with breast cancer in the DMV.
- In 2022, we raised over $67,000.
- Our 2021 Walk was held virtually due to the pandemic. Our 46 walkers did a grand job of getting out there, walking the miles, bringing awareness to our cause and raising over $68,500.
- In 2020, though the pandemic canceled the walk, the group was able to raise $40,000 in donations.
- In 2019, Walking Warriors had 75 dedicated walkers who raised over $110,000. Together with a match from Lombardi Women, the total raised was more than $135,000.
Help us raise the bar even higher this year!

Walking Warriors funds support:
- A junior research faculty grant to investigate metastatic breast cancer prevention and treatment
- The Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Prevention at Georgetown Lombardi for patient navigation to education, screening and treatment services for breast, lung, colorectal and prostate cancer
Get Involved with Walking Warriors
Become a Walker
Watch for updated information here when it becomes available.
Our first Training Walk is TBA. Meet up with past Walkers or come find out what WWBBC is all about!
See our event website for more information and to find out when registration opens to be a 2025 Walker!
Knit One, Cure One

Knit One, Cure One brings together fiber artists to create wearable art. All sales proceeds are donated to support breast cancer research and access to care. In 2018, Knit One, Cure One donated to Walking Warriors to support their efforts to prevent or treat metastatic breast cancer. Knit One, Cure One welcomes volunteers to knit, sew, and help with marketing and photography.