Referring Health Care Providers

Oncology Referrals
Referring physicians may call 202-444-2223 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
General Referrals
Referring health care providers can refer, admit or transfer a patient by calling MedStar Georgetown Physician Access 24/7:
- Inside the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area: 202-342-3300
- Outside the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area: 800-442-4200
Genetic Counseling Services
Genetic counseling is available to women and men with a personal or family history of cancer who want to learn about cancer risks, genetic testing options, and state-of-the-art cancer screening and risk-reduction options. View program information from MedStar Georgetown.
- Scheduling Line: 202-444-0023.